Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Kenya- The beginnings

Wow. I can't believe I am anticipating and preparing for a trip to Kenya.
Here's the story....

I have been praying about this summer and where God would take me. I had a job offer, but didn't feel entirely peaceful about it. Over spring break, Sara Crabtree and I were talking and she told me about a trip she is taking. She has organized to go to an orphanage, Into Abba's Arms, for the summer to help with the children and have an awesome experience. She told me that she has been seeking someone to go on this trip with her. Once I heard that, I was filled with so much excitement and knew this was something to pursue.

I have been praying about it, and believe this is a great chance that God has given me and has given me peace about. I am a bit nervous right now, because I have about 2 months to get my passport, plane ticket, etc. It is exciting, though, to trust God in something that I know I cannot accomplish myself.

It is my prayer that my friends and family will be excited about this and prayerfully consider supporting me in both prayer and finanical support.

I plan to use this blog as an update on how things are going, and hopefully update a couple times from Kenya this summer.

Thank you for joining me on this awesome journey. I can't imagine life without the love and support I find in friends and family on a daily basis. Our Lord is the provider, and His love is so beautiful!


ndokuley said...

I am proud of you. I hope that you continue praying in preparation of this trip. It will change your life, I'm very confident of that.

Love you.

KellyB said...

I love you, so so much. You inspire me everyday.

colston said...

i cannot wait to see how your story unfolds en áfrica