Thursday, May 1, 2008

No day but today

sitting here watching Rent in Galloway lobby...

a few comments were made about the appropriateness of the movie and whether we should watch it out in a public lobby...I don't know many better movies to encourage. Yes-there are issues that as Christians we should not promote, but there is much value in accepting and loving those people despite their difficulties. I'm probably not going to encourage homosexuality and prostitution, but I have a lot of respect for the openness and honesty demonstrated.

I have decided this may be one of my favorite movies. With blatant honesty, struggles are not masked-not covered by a fake attempt at perfection. With the song "Take me as I am" playing in the background, I can only envision the possibilities for a community like this.

What makes us think that by being a Christian it means we conceal our failures, temptations, struggles? Why do we feel like we have to one up each other and not let people see our true insecurities?

As the body of Christ it seems to me our purpose is to help one another-to forgive, accept, encourage our brothers and sisters. instead we do goo deeds, put on a smile and "i'm good" attitude. What's so wrong with our needs-the voids in our very own hearts and the cries we cannot always understand ourselves. Yes, I believe Christ wants to and will heal us, but I think He has given us a body of believers in order to help us through that.

I am facing this in my own life. A couple weeks ago I was able to have a time of confession with my college pastor. It was real-it was deep, imperfect, ugly sin. The process of bringing it to light was beautiful. My soul was refreshed and by bringing that to the surface, I have been able to learn a lot more about myself, my past and how it affects my future.
This is not a traumatic experience, it is exhilarating.

I wonder what it would take for us to be comfortable with who we are-so comfortable that we let others see beyond the layers and layers we pile on....

...take me as i am.


Tyler DeLong said...

I think this is one of the biggest problem in the Church. we try to conceal these issues so that we don't have to think of them.
If we arent exposed to these type if things them how will we know how to relate to someone different than us?

Great thoughts Chels!

Nathan O. said...

i enjoy your thoughts. keep thinkin.